{Mount Ephraim} pre-wedding session with Lydia and Gary

How do I choose which pictures to show you? I met up with Lydia and Gary at Mount Ephraim on Sunday to chat more about their wedding plans and schedule and to shoot their engagement session. The day had started off rather rainy, but the sun broke through and showed the gorgeous Edwardian mansion at Mount Ephraim in its best light.

Lydia has been following my blog and had an idea of what to expect at the photoshoot … and I think Gary got into the spirit of things …

The grounds at Mount Ephraim are beautiful at any time of the year, but the magnolias and camellias are particularly stunning at the moment …

And the tulips …

And who would have known the instructions “make a heart with your hands” could cause such hilarity … in fact, Lydia and Gary barely stopped laughing for the whole session!

Lydia and Gary are planning to be married in the grounds at Mount Ephraim – the law states that you must be married under a structure, and the pergola in the grounds provides the roof …

Lydia is confident that it will look absolutely beautiful on the day and I believe her. The wisteria right next to the pergola is just starting to bud … will the flowers be out at the end of May?

There are just too many gorgeous shots to show … Lydia and Gary are also looking for more candid style of photography on their day and I think this next one is just fab …

I love using different depths of field …

And getting the whole picture …

We ended the session with a cream tea and discussed some final timings for the day. I really can’t wait to photograph Lydia and Gary’s wedding … in just over a month’s time! See you soon …